Handy Rails Tips
Ruby on Rails tips and tutorials
Don't use SecureRandom for simple Strings in Ruby
SecureRandom is a common solution for generating simple, random strings in Ruby. But is it always the optimal approach?
Building a REST API in Ruby on Rails 3
This short screencast is one that I recorded back in 2012 to demonstrate the power of Ruby on Rails to a client.
A naming convention for ActionMailer emails
One of the great things about Ruby on Rails is its philosophy of Convention over Configuration. Simply put, this means that developers are encouraged to name and organise their code in specific ways, and to stick to these naming principles wherever possible. The benefit of CoC is that developers spend...
Grab data from your production database using ActionMailer
This is a nasty and naughty hack, and one I’m abashedly apologetic for.
DRYer, neater filters with class-based filters
Recently I was working on a project which required various permissions for each controller. A user could have permission to access one feature of the site but not another.